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Regular price $96.00

BBQ season is just around this corner - and this box has EVERYTHING a bbq enthusiast could need! These amazing and delicious products will elevate and BBQers craft!

This box contains:

Kanel Voyager spice collection (featuring 8 spices:  Quebec maple smoked salt, Hawaiian Ono Poke, La Vita e Bella, Fresh Salted Peppercorns, Organic Louisiana Fried Chicken, Sweet Korean Heat, Banko Night Market, Santa Fe Chipotle Honey)

Haupy's Maplesque moose rub

Project Carve bbq multitool *engravable!*

Jonnu Hetherington's craft beer infused ketchup (original available upon request)

Wildly Delicious caramelized onion and maple confit

Handwritten personalized note